Introduction to intersectionality in public health research
May 9 and 23, 2025 | 3 ECTS | Online | Entry-level | Open for Junior Researchers & PhDs
Are you a junior or PhD researcher looking to make your health research more inclusive and diversity-responsive? Do you value interaction, reflection, and engaging discussions? Or perhaps you want to contribute to a fairer, more equitable world?
Sign up for our 3-ECTS online training 'Intersectionality & I'!
What will you learn?
| | What is intersectionality, and how can it enhance your research?
| | | What are 'intersecting oppressions', and why are they important for understanding health?
| | | How do power and privilege shape health outcomes?
In this entry-level training, tailored for PhD students and early-career researchers, we'll explore the theoretical and methodological foundations of intersectionality. You'll learn why it's a vital framework for analyzing health inequalities, how to avoid common research pitfalls, and how to apply intersectionality in qualitative and quantitative research. Whether you're new to intersectionality or looking to refine your skills, this course will help you integrate these concepts into your work.
Why join?
| | Connect with like-minded scholars
| | | Expand your understanding of health inequities
| | | Build practical tools for integrating intersectionality into your research