Introduction to intersectionality in public health research

Are you a junior or PhD researcher interested in making your health research diversity-responsive? Do you enjoy interaction, reflection, collaboration and challenging discussions? Or do you just want to make this world a better place?

In this entry-level training on intersectionality in (public) health research, we cover the basic theoretical and methodological foundations of intersectionality theory. We discuss why intersectionality is a useful framework to analyze health inequalities and inequities, address common research pitfalls and solutions, and discover how intersectionality theory could be integrated in your own research activities. The training is suitable for both qualitative and quantitative researchers. You do not need to have experience with intersectionality to enter the course.

This training is for junior researchers or PhD students. Our main focus will be public health, but the topics covered are relevant for other health-related fields.

Course details

Credits: 3 EC (76 hr)
Dates: Fall 2024 (exact dates TBD)
Course level: 500
Language of tuition: English
Faculty: Amsterdam UMC, dept. of Ethics, Law and Humanities
Max. number of participants: 15
Costs: 875 euro (ex VAT), including materials and access to the Network Intersectionality & Health Netherlands. Amsterdam Public Health researchers receive 25% off the course fee
Trainers: TBD
Course activities: Access to a comprehensive syllabus with key publications in the field of Intersectionality & Health (1 EC); two (online) training days of engaged learning about intersectionality as a theory and methodology in public health through lectures, group work, working on own research (1 EC); writing an individual essay (1 EC).

New dates for Fall 2024 will be announced on this page soon!
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